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Godley Independent School District - Godley High School

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Godley Theater

Theater at Godley High School

  • Covers different warm up techniques

  • Learn different ways and techniques on improv

  • Collaborate with others 

  • Read and perform different plays

  • Plan different theatre events

  • Create costumes and set

  • Focus on character development and how characters interact with each other on stage

  • Fall play - Wildcat Dramatics class

  • One Act Play - Wildcat Dramatics class

    • Read various plays and choose one from for One Act

    • Go to Clinics to practice and listen to others critiques

  • Improv Show - Wildcat Dramatics class

  • Thespian Festival - Wildcat Dramatics class

24/25 Wildcat Dramatics Theatre AUDITIONS

When: Monday, April 29 from 4:30-6:30pm on the GMS stage.

             Tuesday, April 30  from 4:30-6:30pm on the GMS stage.

Where: GMS Stage

Pick up a packet from the Parent Meeting or use The QR Code

Parent Meeting: Parents whose student would like to audition for Wildcat Dramatics, should attend this meeting on 4/22 at 6:00 PM in the Theater Room.

GHS Theater Teacher

Christine DuBose

Teacher - Theater
Godley High School